on: # run automatically every 24 hours schedule: -cron:"0 */24 * * *" # allows to manually run the job at any time workflow_dispatch: # run on every push on the master branch push: branches: -master
jobs: generate: runs-on:ubuntu-latest timeout-minutes:10 steps: # generates a snake game from a github user (<github_user_name>) contributions graph, output a svg animation at <svg_out_path> -name:generategithub-contribution-grid-snake.svg uses:Platane/snk/svg-only@v3 with: github_user_name:${{github.repository_owner}} outputs:| dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.svg dist/github-contribution-grid-snake-dark.svg?palette=github-dark env: GITHUB_TOKEN:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}} # push the content of <build_dir> to a branch # the content will be available at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/<github_user>/<repository>/<target_branch>/<file> , or as github page -name:pushgithub-contribution-grid-snake.svgtotheoutputbranch uses:crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3.1.0 with: target_branch:output build_dir:dist env: GITHUB_TOKEN:${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}